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來源:http://m.xiaomijiaju.com/ 發(fā)布時間:2020-05-20 瀏覽量:0

The origin and development of medical endoscopy can be summarized into four stages: the first stage is hard endoscopy, the second stage is half bent endoscopy, the third stage is optical fiber endoscopy, and the fourth stage is electronic endoscopy. Here is a detailed introduction to these four stages of development.
階段為硬式內(nèi)窺鏡階段:時間大概在1806--1932之間,它是由德國人Philipp Bozzini發(fā)明的,當(dāng)時的科技不發(fā)達(dá),可以說是落后,他就使用蠟燭和一系列鏡片組合成一套“內(nèi)窺鏡”。當(dāng)時只用于檢查膀胱和尿道。在1895年的時候,一個叫Rosenhein的人它對硬式內(nèi)窺鏡進(jìn)行了改進(jìn),特別是設(shè)置了3根呈同心圓狀的管子。在1911年的時候,一個叫Elsner的人對Rosenhein的內(nèi)窺鏡進(jìn)行了改造和改良。在1806--1932年之間,硬式內(nèi)窺鏡可謂是風(fēng)靡這一時期。
The first stage is the hard endoscope stage: it was first invented by Philipp bozzini of Germany between 1806 and 1932. At that time, the technology was underdeveloped, which can be said to be backward. He used candles and a series of lenses to form a set of "endoscope". At that time, it was only used for bladder and urethra examination. In 1895, a man named rosenhein improved the rigid endoscope, especially three concentric tubes. In 1911, a man named Elsner modified rosenhein's endoscope. Between 1806 and 1932, rigid endoscopes became popular.
第二階段為半屈式內(nèi)窺鏡階段:時間在1932—1957年之間,其實在1928年到1932年的時候Schindler和Georg Wolf聯(lián)合發(fā)明了胃鏡。
The second stage is the half flexion endoscope stage: the time is from 1932 to 1957. In fact, Schindler and Georg wolf jointly invented gastroscope from 1928 to 1932.
The third stage is the optical fiber endoscope stage: it has been used since 1957. In 1954, the British Hopkins and kapany jointly invented the optical fiber technology. In 1957, hirschowitz invented the optical fiber endoscope. With the continuous development and improvement of configuration in the future, the optical fiber endoscope is becoming more and more advanced.
The fourth stage is the electronic endoscope stage: since the birth of the electronic endoscope in 1983, it has received great response. It has a high-performance camera lens, which can take or record high-definition images, greatly improving the judgment of medical staff.
From the above development of medical endoscopes, in a short period of a century, endoscopes can develop to such a high-tech level, and greatly improve our medical skills.
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