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來源:http://m.xiaomijiaju.com/ 發(fā)布時間:2021-07-12 瀏覽量:0

With the improvement of domestic living standards, car purchase has become a rigid demand of many people, and even an indispensable member in many families. In the process of automobile maintenance, you must have heard of automobile endoscope maintenance. It is a good helper for workers to repair automobiles.
The traditional auto repair method is time-consuming and expensive
當汽車發(fā)動機發(fā)生故障時,傳統(tǒng)的診斷方法是憑維修工作人員的個人經驗,聽聲音判斷氣缸出現(xiàn)的問題,具體在哪個氣缸,需對汽車發(fā)動機解體才能確定"病 因"所在。對發(fā)動機解體檢測,這樣很直觀,但是耗時耗力,費用昂貴,而且不管什么部件每拆裝一次都會或多或少影響其性能,減短其使用壽命。
When the automobile engine breaks down, the traditional diagnosis method is to rely on the personal experience of the maintenance staff, listen to the voice to judge the problem of the cylinder, which cylinder is in, and the "cause" can be determined only after the automobile engine is disassembled. It's very intuitive for engine disassembly inspection, but it's time-consuming, labor-consuming and expensive. No matter what parts are disassembled once, their performance will be more or less affected, and their service life will be shortened.
Automobile endoscope becomes a good helper for automobile maintenance!
使用汽車內窺鏡檢查汽車發(fā)動機,能過火花塞孔或噴油嘴,就可直接觀察氣缸內部的各種故障,如積炭、異物等狀態(tài),在汽車內窺鏡下都會一目了然。因此在汽 車維修中,汽車內窺鏡已經成功應用于檢測診斷汽車發(fā)動機、汽缸、燃料管、引擎、消聲器、輸送系統(tǒng)、差速器、水箱、油箱、齒輪箱的磨損、積炭、堵塞等情況, 不但提高了工作效率,降低了修理費用,同時避免了對機件多次拆裝而造成的損害。
When using the automobile endoscope to inspect the automobile engine, you can directly observe various faults in the cylinder through the spark plug hole or the fuel nozzle, such as carbon deposition, foreign matter and so on, which can be seen at a glance under the automobile endoscope. Therefore, in automobile maintenance, automobile endoscope has been successfully used to detect and diagnose the wear, carbon deposition and blockage of automobile engine, cylinder, fuel pipe, engine, muffler, transmission system, differential, water tank, oil tank and gearbox, which not only improves the work efficiency, reduces the repair cost, but also avoids the damage caused by repeated disassembly and assembly of parts.
Thank you for reading, hope the above content can help you, if you want to know more wonderful content, please click our official website: endoscopic equipment maintenance http://m.xiaomijiaju.com 。
  • 公司公司:匠仁醫(yī)療設備有限公司
  • 匠仁醫(yī)療山東濟南維修部
  • 聯(lián)系人:樊經理
  • 電話:13153199508
  • 地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區(qū)美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產業(yè)園6號樓101-2室
  • 匠仁醫(yī)療湖南長沙維修部
  • 聯(lián)系人:李經理
  • 電話:13873135765
  • 地址:湖南省長沙市雨花區(qū)勞動東路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室

樊經理:13153199508     李經理:13873135765

公司地址:山東省濟南市槐蔭區(qū)美里東路3000號德邁國際信息產業(yè)園6號樓101-2室  湖南省長沙市雨花區(qū)勞動東路820號恒大綠洲14棟2409室


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